50 MCQ 10th English First Flight A Letter to God

MCQ 10th English First Flight A Letter to God :- “50 MCQ 10th English First Flight ‘A Letter to God‘” कक्षा 10 की अंग्रेज़ी पुस्तक 10th English First Flight A Letter to God पर केंद्रित बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नों का संग्रह है। ये प्रश्न कहानी के मुख्य बिंदुओं, पात्रों के गुणों, विषय-वस्तु और संवादों को समेटते हैं, जिससे छात्र अध्याय की गहरी समझ विकसित कर सकते हैं। यह अभ्यास छात्रों की परीक्षा की तैयारी को प्रभावी बनाता है, विशेषकर उन विद्यार्थियों के लिए जो अंग्रेज़ी में उच्च अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए इस अध्याय के प्रमुख तत्वों पर आधारित अभ्यास करना चाहते हैं।

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Summary of 0th English First Flight A Letter to God in Hindi :-

कक्षा 10 की First Flight पुस्तक का पहला अध्याय “A Letter to God” लेखक G.L. Fuentes द्वारा लिखा गया है। यह कहानी A Farmer, Lencho की है जो अपनी फसल के लिए आसमान से बारिश की उम्मीद करता है। लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से, Hailstorm (तेज़ ओले) गिरने के कारण उसकी सारी फसल बर्बाद हो जाती है। पूरी तरह हताश होकर, लैंचो को लगता है कि सिर्फ भगवान ही उसकी मदद कर सकते हैं। वह भगवान को एक पत्र लिखकर 100 पेसो की मांग करता है ताकि वह अपनी फसल को फिर से उगा सके और अपना परिवार चला सके।

इस पत्र को देखकर पोस्ट ऑफिस के कर्मचारी लैंचो की सादगी और अटूट आस्था से प्रभावित होते हैं और उसकी मदद करने का निर्णय लेते हैं। वे मिलकर उसे पैसे जुटाकर भेजते हैं, लेकिन राशि पूरी नहीं होती। लैंचो को 100 पेसो के बदले 70 पेसो ही मिलते हैं। इसे देखकर लैंचो को गुस्सा आता है और वह भगवान से फिर पत्र लिखकर और पैसे भेजने की गुज़ारिश करता है, लेकिन साथ ही यह भी लिखता है कि बाकी पैसे सीधे भेजें, क्योंकि उसे लगता है कि पोस्ट ऑफिस के लोग “चोर” हैं।

यह कहानी हमें विश्वास, मानवता, और ईश्वर पर अटूट भरोसे की सीख देती है।

Summary of 0th English First Flight A Letter to God in English

The first chapter of the Class 10 book First Flight, titled “A Letter to God,” is written by G.L. Fuentes. This story revolves around a farmer, Lencho who hopes for rain from the sky to save his crops. Unfortunately, due to a heavy hailstorm, his entire crop is destroyed. Feeling completely helpless, Lencho believes that only God can help him. He writes a letter to God, requesting 100 pesos so that he can replant his crop and support his family.

When the post office employees see this letter, they are touched by Lencho’s simplicity and unwavering faith, and they decide to help him. Together, they gather money and send it to him, but they fall short of the full amount. Lencho receives only 70 pesos instead of the 100 he requested. Disappointed, Lencho writes another letter to God, requesting the rest of the money and asking God to send it directly, as he believes the post office employees are “thieves.”

This story teaches us about faith, humanity, and an unwavering belief in God.


Quizzes on "A Letter to God"

  1. यह क्विज़ NCERT की कक्षा 10 की अंग्रेज़ी पुस्तक "First Flight" के अध्याय 1 "A Letter to God" पर आधारित है।
  2. कुल 50 बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न (MCQs) दिए गए हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के लिए चार विकल्प (अ), (ब), (स), (द) प्रदान किए गए हैं।
  3. सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं। आपको दिए गए चार विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर चुनना है।
  4. प्रत्येक सही उत्तर के लिए आपको 2 अंक मिलेगा।
  5. क्विज़ में कोई नकारात्मक अंकन (Negative Marking) नहीं है, इसलिए आप सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे सकते हैं।

सर्वश्रेष्ठ सफलता के लिए शुभकामनाएँ!

1 / 50

Who is the author of the story "A Letter to God"?

2 / 50

What did Lencho hope for in his heart at the beginning of the story?

3 / 50

  1. What destroyed Lencho’s crops?

4 / 50

  1. How many sons did Lencho have?

5 / 50

  1. What did Lencho compare the hailstones to?

6 / 50

  1. What was Lencho's house situated on?

7 / 50

  1. Why did Lencho become upset after the storm?

8 / 50

  1. Who did Lencho write a letter to?

9 / 50

  1. How much money did Lencho request in his letter?

10 / 50

What did Lencho ask God to send him the money for?

11 / 50

  1. Where did Lencho drop his letter?

12 / 50

  1. What did the postmaster do when he read Lencho’s letter?

13 / 50

  1. What did the postmaster feel after reading Lencho’s letter?

14 / 50

  1. How much money did the postmaster and his colleagues collect for Lencho?

15 / 50

  1. What did Lencho do after receiving the money?

16 / 50

  1. In his second letter, what did Lencho ask God to do?

17 / 50

  1. Why did Lencho not trust the people at the post office?

18 / 50

  1. What does the story mainly convey about Lencho’s character?

19 / 50

  1. How did the postmaster and his colleagues feel after helping Lencho?

20 / 50

  1. What lesson does "A Letter to God" teach?

21 / 50

  1. How did Lencho view the post office employees after receiving only part of the money?

22 / 50

  1. What did Lencho's family rely on for survival?

23 / 50

  1. Why did the postmaster feel it was important to reply to Lencho's letter?

24 / 50

  1. What was the state of Lencho's corn fields after the hailstorm?

25 / 50

  1. How did Lencho send his letter to God?

26 / 50

  1. What was the weather like at the beginning of the story?

27 / 50

  1. How did Lencho's family react to the storm?

28 / 50

  1. What did the children of Lencho do during the hailstorm?

29 / 50

  1. What was Lencho’s emotional state after the storm?

30 / 50

  1. How did the postmaster respond to Lencho's faith in God?

31 / 50

  1. How did the postmaster raise the money to send to Lencho?

32 / 50

  1. What is the primary theme of "A Letter to God"?

33 / 50

  1. What did Lencho compare the large drops of rain to?

34 / 50

  1. What did Lencho believe about God?

35 / 50

  1. What natural disaster is depicted in the story?

36 / 50

  1. What emotion dominated Lencho's mind after the hailstorm?

37 / 50

  1. How did the postmaster feel after collecting money for Lencho?

38 / 50

  1. What did Lencho think of when he saw the post office employees?

39 / 50

  1. What does Lencho’s faith in God reflect?

40 / 50

  1. What does Lencho’s simple faith teach us?

41 / 50

  1. What made Lencho write a second letter to God?

42 / 50

  1. How did Lencho feel after receiving 70 pesos instead of 100?

43 / 50

  1. What does Lencho’s letter reveal about his character?

44 / 50

  1. How does the story "A Letter to God" end?

45 / 50

  1. What irony is present in "A Letter to God"?

46 / 50

  1. Why did Lencho go to the post office?

47 / 50

  1. What can be inferred about Lencho’s attitude towards the world?

48 / 50

  1. What did the postmaster’s gesture show?

49 / 50

  1. What does Lencho’s letter represent in the story?

50 / 50

What can we learn from the post office employees’ actions?

Your score is

The average score is 22%


Another MCQs

Chapter 2 – Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom

Chapter 3 – Two Stories about Flying

Chapter 4 – From the Dairy of Anne Frank

Chapter 5 – The Hundred Dresses – 1

Chapter 6 – The Hundred Dresses – 2

Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India

Chapter 8 – Milbil the Otter

Chapter 9 – Madam Rides the Bus

Chapter 10 – The Sermon at Benares

Chapter 11 – The Proposal

कक्षा 10 की फर्स्ट फ्लाइट पुस्तक में निम्नलिखित गद्य (Prose) और कविता (Poems) अध्याय शामिल हैं:

गद्य (Prose) अध्याय:

  1. A Letter to God – G.L. Fuentes
  2. Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom – Nelson Mandela
  3. Two Stories about Flying – Part I: His First Flight – Liam O’Flaherty
    Part II: Black Aeroplane – Frederick Forsyth
  4. From the Diary of Anne Frank – Anne Frank
  5. The Hundred Dresses – I – El Bsor Ester
  6. The Hundred Dresses – II – El Bsor Ester
  7. Glimpses of India – Part I: A Baker from Goa – Lucio Rodrigues
    Part II: Coorg – Lokesh Abrol
    Part III: Tea from Assam – Arup Kumar Datta
  8. Mijbil the Otter – Gavin Maxwell
  9. Madam Rides the Bus – Vallikkannan
  10. The Sermon at Benares – Betty Renshaw
  11. The Proposal – Anton Chekhov

कविता (Poetry) अध्याय:

  1. Dust of Snow – Robert Frost
  2. Fire and Ice – Robert Frost
  3. A Tiger in the Zoo – Leslie Norris
  4. How to Tell Wild Animals – Carolyn Wells
  5. The Ball Poem – John Berryman
  6. Amanda! – Robin Klein
  7. Animals – Walt Whitman
  8. The Trees – Adrienne Rich
  9. Fog – Carl Sandburg
  10. The Tale of Custard the Dragon – Ogden Nash
  11. For Anne Gregory – William Butler Yeats

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