Chapter 5-The Hundred Dresses-1 MCQ

MP Board 10th English First Flight Chapter 5-The Hundred Dresses-1 MCQ

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MP Board 10th English First Flight Chapter 5-The Hundred Dresses-1 MCQ” : Chapter 5-The Hundred Dresses-1 दसवीं कक्षा की इंग्लिश की First Flight पुस्तक के महत्वपूर्ण अध्यायों में से एक है। यह अध्याय वांडा पेट्रोंस्की नामक लड़की की कहानी पर केंद्रित है, जो रोज़ सौ कपड़े पहनने का दावा करती है, जबकि वास्तव में उसके पास केवल एक पुरानी ड्रेस है। इस अध्याय में दोस्ती, भेदभाव, और स्वीकृति जैसे महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दे उठाए गए हैं। MCQ (बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न) इस पाठ के मुख्य बिंदुओं को समझने और उसकी गहरी व्याख्या में सहायता करते हैं। यह छात्रों को कहानी की घटनाओं, पात्रों और उनके भावनात्मक पहलुओं पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।

MP Board 10th English First Flight Chapter 5-The Hundred Dresses-1 MCQ

MP Board 10th English First Flight Chapter 5 - The Hundred Dresses - 1 MCQ

"Chapter 5 - The Hundred Dresses - 1 MCQ" दसवीं कक्षा की इंग्लिश की First Flight पुस्तक के महत्वपूर्ण अध्यायों में से एक है। यह अध्याय वांडा पेट्रोंस्की नामक लड़की की कहानी पर केंद्रित है, जो रोज़ सौ कपड़े पहनने का दावा करती है, जबकि वास्तव में उसके पास केवल एक पुरानी ड्रेस है। इस अध्याय में दोस्ती, भेदभाव और स्वीकृति जैसे महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दे उठाए गए हैं। MCQ (बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न) इस पाठ के मुख्य बिंदुओं को समझने और उसकी गहरी व्याख्या में सहायता करते हैं। यह छात्रों को कहानी की घटनाओं, पात्रों और उनके भावनात्मक पहलुओं पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।

1 / 51

Who is the main character of the story "The Hundred Dresses - 1"?

2 / 51

Where did Wanda Petronski sit in the classroom?

3 / 51

What did Wanda claim to have that made the other girls laugh?

4 / 51

What was the reason the girls at school made fun of Wanda?

5 / 51

Where did Wanda Petronski and her family live?

6 / 51

Why did Wanda Petronski always sit in the corner of the classroom?

7 / 51

What nationality was Wanda Petronski’s family?

8 / 51

How did the other girls in the class treat Wanda?

9 / 51

What was the name of Wanda’s classmate who felt guilty for teasing her?

10 / 51

What did Peggy do to tease Wanda?

11 / 51

What did Wanda always say when asked about her dresses?

12 / 51

How did Maddie feel about Peggy teasing Wanda?

13 / 51

. What was Peggy known for at school?

14 / 51

What was Maddie afraid of?

15 / 51

What contest was being held at school that Wanda entered?

16 / 51

What did Wanda submit for the drawing contest?

17 / 51

. How did the other students react when they saw Wanda’s drawings in the contest?

18 / 51

Who won the drawing contest for girls?

19 / 51

How did Miss Mason, the teacher, react to Wanda’s drawings?

20 / 51

How many dresses did Wanda draw in her entries for the contest?

21 / 51

. Why didn’t Wanda attend school on the day the contest results were announced?

22 / 51

What did Maddie want to do after realizing Wanda wasn’t coming back?

23 / 51

How did Peggy feel about Wanda’s drawings after she saw them?

24 / 51

What lesson did Maddie learn from the situation with Wanda?

25 / 51

What did Maddie and Peggy decide to do after realizing Wanda was gone?

26 / 51

What did Maddie often think about after Wanda left?

27 / 51

What did the hundred dresses Wanda talked about turn out to be?

28 / 51

Why was Maddie afraid of losing her friendship with Peggy?

29 / 51

How did Miss Mason react when she learned about the girls teasing Wanda?

30 / 51

What did Wanda’s drawings reveal about her?

31 / 51

What was the primary reason Wanda didn’t fight back against the teasing?

32 / 51

. How did Maddie feel after Wanda left the school?

33 / 51

What made Maddie and Peggy visit Wanda’s house after she moved away?

34 / 51

What kind of house did Wanda live in?

35 / 51

How did Maddie plan to change after the incident with Wanda?

36 / 51

What was Wanda’s main talent that impressed her classmates?

37 / 51

How did Wanda’s family react to the teasing she faced at school?

38 / 51

What did Maddie wish she had done when Wanda was teased?

39 / 51

Why did Wanda’s absence impact Maddie’s life?

40 / 51

What did Peggy learn from the incident with Wanda?

41 / 51

What type of dress did Wanda say she had the most of?

42 / 51

How did Maddie’s perception of her own clothing change after Wanda’s departure?

43 / 51

How did the other students view Wanda’s drawings once they were revealed?

44 / 51

What is the primary theme of "The Hundred Dresses - 1"?

45 / 51

What did Wanda’s drawings symbolize in the story?

46 / 51

Why did Maddie decide to speak up for Wanda later on?

47 / 51

What lesson does the story impart regarding empathy?

48 / 51

How did the other girls feel about the contest results?

49 / 51

How did the teacher respond to Wanda’s absence?

50 / 51

What did the story reveal about the nature of childhood friendships?

51 / 51

How did the setting of the story contribute to its themes?

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