50 MCQ 10th English First Flight From the Diary of Anne Frank

10th English First Flight From the Diary of Anne Frank : “50 MCQ 10th English First Flight ‘From the Diary of Anne Frank‘” कक्षा 10 की अंग्रेज़ी पुस्तक 10th English First Flight From the Diary of Anne Frank पर केंद्रित 50 MCQs प्रश्नों का संग्रह है। ये प्रश्न कहानी के मुख्य बिंदुओं, पात्रों के गुणों, विषय-वस्तु और संवादों को समेटते हैं, जिससे छात्र अध्याय की गहरी समझ विकसित कर सकते हैं। यह अभ्यास छात्रों की परीक्षा की तैयारी को प्रभावी बनाता है, विशेषकर उन विद्यार्थियों के लिए जो अंग्रेज़ी में उच्च अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए इस अध्याय के प्रमुख तत्वों पर आधारित अभ्यास करना चाहते हैं।

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Summary of From the Diary of Anne Frank :- From the Diary of Anne Frank अध्याय का Author Anne Frank है। यह अध्याय उसकी डायरी के अंशों पर आधारित है, जिसे उसने अपने जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण क्षणों और अनुभवों को दर्ज करने के लिए लिखा था।

यह डायरी “The Diary of a Young Girl” नामक पुस्तक में संकलित की गई है, जिसे ऐनी के पिता, ऑटो फ्रैंक ने प्रकाशित किया। Anne ने यह डायरी 13 वर्ष की उम्र मे लिखी थी जब वह स्कूल मे पढ़ती थी । ऑटो फ्रैंक अपनी बेटी की डायरी को प्रकाशित करने का निश्चय इसलिए किया क्योंकि वह चाहते थे कि ऐनी की कहानी और उसके विचार दुनिया के सामने आ सकें। इस पुस्तक ने ऐनी के अनुभवों को जीवित रखा और द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के दौरान यहूदी लोगों के खिलाफ किए गए अत्याचारों को दर्शाने में मदद की।

50 MCQs From the Diary of Anne Frank

1 / 42

What is the full title of Anne Frank's diary?

2 / 42

Why did Anne Frank start writing a diary?

3 / 42

What did Anne Frank name her diary?

4 / 42

What was Anne Frank’s nationality?

5 / 42

Who was Anne Frank's elder sister?

6 / 42

When did Anne Frank start writing her diary?

7 / 42

Where was Anne Frank’s family hiding during the Nazi occupation?

8 / 42

Why were Anne Frank and her family in hiding?

9 / 42

What was the relationship between Anne Frank and her father?

10 / 42

Who was the only survivor from Anne Frank's family after the war?

11 / 42

What was Anne’s major conflict in the diary?

12 / 42

What did Anne hope to become in the future?

13 / 42

What event forced the Frank family into hiding?

14 / 42

How did Anne feel about school before going into hiding?

15 / 42

Who else was hiding with Anne Frank’s family?

16 / 42

How did Anne describe her relationship with her mother?

17 / 42

How did Anne deal with her fears and emotions in hiding?

18 / 42

Why did Anne Frank consider her diary as her best friend?

19 / 42

What was Anne’s biggest fear while in hiding?

20 / 42

Who was Mr. Dussel in Anne’s diary?

21 / 42

What did Anne often write about in her diary?

22 / 42

How did Anne’s diary become published?

23 / 42

How old was Anne Frank when she started writing her diary?

24 / 42

What language did Anne write her diary in?

25 / 42

Who was Mr. Keesing in Anne Frank's life?

26 / 42

Why did Mr. Keesing give Anne extra homework as a punishment?

27 / 42

What type of punishment did Mr. Keesing initially give Anne?

28 / 42

What was the topic of Anne's first essay assigned by Mr. Keesing?

29 / 42

How did Mr. Keesing react to Anne’s humorous take in her essays?

30 / 42

After Anne’s witty essays, what did Mr. Keesing eventually decide?

31 / 42

What did Anne’s essays reveal about her personality to Mr. Keesing?

32 / 42

What lesson did Mr. Keesing likely learn from Anne’s responses to his punishments?

33 / 42

How did Anne feel about writing the essays assigned by Mr. Keesing?

34 / 42

What approach did Anne take to write her essay on "A Chatterbox"?

35 / 42

how did Anne justify her talkative nature to Mr. Keesing?

36 / 42

What unusual topic did Mr. Keesing assign after Anne’s first essay on being a chatterbox?

37 / 42

How did Mr. Keesing’s attitude toward Anne change over time?

38 / 42

What was the effect of Anne’s essays on her classmates?

39 / 42

In her final essay, how did Anne describe Mr. Keesing?

40 / 42

What lesson about discipline did Mr. Keesing learn from Anne?

41 / 42

What quality of Anne's writing finally made Mr. Keesing rethink his methods?

42 / 42

What was the ultimate impact of Anne's essays on her relationship with Mr. Keesing?

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